Salesforce AI + Data Cloud Accelerator for Financial Services Industry

Combine data from different systems to create unified customer information

360° views of customers to understand and personalise customer service.

Custom components for agents to quickly know the customer and efficiently serve them.


  • Salesforce AI + Data Cloud Accelerator for E-commerce Industry.
  • Integrate data from different systems and create unified customer information.
  • Track Customer behaviour and actions on your business website.
  • Create hyper personalised customer experiences for your customers.

Data Pathfinder

A custom LWC component for Data Cloud to explore data.

Developed to overcome the limitations of Standard Data Explorer.

Has the capability to displays all the ingested records in the chosen object.

Perform Microsoft excel like aggregation operations on chosen field values.

Identify the top 10 recurring or repeated values based on the business context 


  • Salesforce AI + Data Cloud Accelerator for Real Industry
  • Get 360 view of the customers with unified customer profiles.
  • Track customer behaviour and increase average upsell or cross sell values.
  • Improve customer satisfaction with quick case resolutions.
  • Understand customers better and create personalised experiences.

Salesforce Data Cloud Web SDK Connector

Salesforce Data Cloud Out of the box feature to track user behaviour

Capture anonymous user’s website interactions

Convert anonymous user of the website into a known user

Capture all the user interactions (actions, page navigation, activity) on the website

Quote Everywhere

  • App accessible to both internal and external users to generate Quote & receive by E-mail
  • Businesses can generate high scored Opportunities
  • Enhances customer experience in Quote to Cash scenarios
  • Tightly integrated with Accounts, Contacts, and Opportunity objects

Survey App

Native App to quickly build and publish surveys

Integrate Survey results with Standard Objects

External users can access and respond to surveys through E-mails

Generate quality leads with

Get instant feedback on new product lines and customer support

Pre-build Reports & Dashboards with Analytics

Log Board

  • Native Lightning app for developers
  • Developer friendly app to instantly find debug log statements
  • Custom search functionality to find debug logs of any developer in your organization
  • Instantly find debug logs with keyword search

Healthcare App

App to fill Doctor’s open appointment slots with standby patients

Patient can join the standby list
via web

Notifies Patient (via email/sms) whenever doctor appointment is available

Easily configurable and

let's work together